...as random as it gets, but that's the beauty of it, isn't it?.. the pleasures of a genre-less life...

The revolution will not go better with Coke.

The revolution will not fight the germs that may cause bad breath.

The revolution will put you in the driver's seat.

The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised,

will not be televised, will not be televised.

The revolution will be no re-run brothers;

The revolution will be live.


I saw this article on nytimes.com and I knew I had to write something to vent about it. The news channels are abuzz with stories about the corruption in the Commonwealth Games.How much did they say is the money being spent on some sporting event that 90% of this country is not even bothered about? I think its 30,000 Crores. That's right, that's the Indian taxpayer money being used to build leaky stadiums and evict beggars from Delhi.

It’s been a long time coming, but it looks like it’s finally here. I am talking about the Indian graphic novel. First there was Sarnath Banerjee with "Corridor", that was genesis. (Then came the brilliant "Barn Owl's Wonderous Capers", Mr Banerjee's best effort so far in my opinion) But recently I picked up two very interesting and very Indian graphic novels: "Kari" by Amrutha Patil and "The Believers" by Abdul Sultan P P (art by Partho Sengupta).

Century 10 Quatrain 77

Get me a stiff one of that stuff from Alba,

90 ml in volume. What? No Ice!

Then water. No.. Not so much.

You ruined it you stupid Cow.

This prediction of apocalypse might seem very cryptic and incoherent, there is a reason for this. Feeling vulnerable to religious fanatics, he [Nostradamus] devised a method of obscuring his meaning by using word games, math puzzles and a mixture of other languages such as Greek, Italian, Latin, Gaelic etc.

Four o'clock in the afternoon

and I didn't feel like very much.

I said to myself, "Where are you golden boy,

where is your famous golden touch?"

- Leonard Cohen "Dress Rehearsal Rag"

MJ is dead. What? They were playing "Billie Jean" on the radio on the morning of 26th June and I thought, man after 27 years the song can still get you moving. But the man cannot be dead, come on, its like hearing that the Eiffel tower just keeled over.

is it cheesy euro pop?

or do you pay your rent at the tower of song?

is it the recklessness of cowardice?

or the fearlessness of strength?

maybe the humor of the brave?

the fleeting glow of a flash in the pan?

is it the maestro or bubblegum for you?

or halcyon days spent in warm sunshine,

with the lingering taste of the sweetest mangoes in your mouth,

and the smell of freshly cut hay in the air.

Laya: (n) Union; the act of joining together for the purpose of creation...

Laya project is brilliantly conceptualized and flawlessly executed. But what makes it truly special is the genuine warmth that permeates the entire recording. The project is officially described as a "world music documentary that is a personal and collective tribute to the resilience of the human spirit" and is dedicated to the survivors of the terrible tsunami of December 2004.

He's thin...

He's cynical...

He's cool...

The bard of the foresaken...

A sage of the desert...

Dance floor daemon...

Man of the mountains...

Tantric Loverman...

The abominable snowman on a diet....

The king of the forest...

The green dragon...

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my malnourished partner in crime...Welcome home brother...
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